Didier Boivin, Executive Vice President


For the past 5 years, Didier Boivin has been spearheading Metanoia’s expansion into the 5G market, resulting in the development and launch of their first 5G RF transceiver and more recently, their first 5G RU Digital chip. Didier has also established several strategic partnerships with key companies, such as NXP, which have been critical to the successful deployment of Metanoia’s products.

Prior to joining Metanoia in 2014, Didier gained over 20+ years of executive experience in both private and public companies within the wireline, wireless, IoT networking, and semiconductor industries.

Some of his notable roles include executive positions at Algotochip (acquired by Nitto Denko), Centillium Communications (acquired by Ikanos and Transwitch), DSP Group, and Alcatel Microelectronic Division in USA (sold to ST Microelectronics). Additionally, he has held engineering and marketing roles with various companies in Europe (Alcatel, TRT – a Philips Division) and in the USA (Rockwell Semiconductors).